What does a salesperson do? What is their job? What does it consist of? It seems easy to answer, but how is it done? What are the guidelines they follow?
I decided to write this brief chronicle, which by no means has to be a lecture, given the great lack of knowledge that exists around the figure of the salesperson, of any segment, but always focusing on profiles that are dedicated to generating sales for a company.
We have the image that the life of a salesperson is exquisite, it is also true that there are many profiles of salespeople, and even some of them we do not even know how they dedicate themselves to this complicated world of sales. On the contrary, suits, lunches with clients, meetings, visits are part of the scenario and tools that this professional needs to be able to reach his final goal, selling.
How easy it seems, doesn’t it? I am addressing this to those who are not familiar with this profession. You can’t imagine
what it costs to put a product on the market, market it and distribute it among the different channels and accounts. As a briefing, I would like to tell you from the point of view of a salesperson, his day-to-day life since his work day begins in the morning:
1. Check your production account: The figure produced on the same day compared to last year, analysis of products or services sold and analysis of those not sold.
2. Review of the accumulated production with respect to the budget: Necessary to see the sales progression line with respect to the marked budget.
3. Analysis of the best-selling products: We always have to take into account what products we sell and which ones we have to promote the sale of, in this way we will know what type of customer to direct it towards.
4. Analysis of the best accounts and producer clients: This is essential, without this information a salesperson is going through “blind hits.” You have to know who your best customer is and who you should incentivize to increase your production account.
5. Analysis of the competition: Closely following the steps of your competition is essential, we have to know what their position is in the market and what pricing strategies they use. From there, we will know how to position our product.
6. Organization of the agenda: Control of the visits to be made daily, weekly and monthly and the appointments that we have pending to confirm, those postponed and evaluate them based on the purchase potential they have.
7. Contact with key accounts: It is time to go out and establish relationships with your clients, accounts and contacts necessary to continue generating sales for your company.
We could talk about other monitoring indicators, such as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), ROI of commercial actions and other values that would complicate this article. Quite the opposite of my intention to communicate with a simple and common language.
The company’s budget is the big burden that weighs on a salesperson’s head. When many employees finish their work hours and leave their problems at the office, the true salesperson takes it home and wherever he goes. Only in moments of compliance with the agreed amount or even exceeding it is when he glimpses a small oxygen cylinder that will allow him to breathe until the next exercise.
Appearances are deceiving, and I believe that much more attention should be paid to them, not only in the economic aspect, but also in the structural aspect of the company. Even in moments when the budget is not reached, we have to take into account values such as “attitude”, “the ideas contributed”, “communication” and the most important value, the “work” that these people do every day. professionals demonstrate by promoting their company’s name everywhere they go.
If you have a good salesperson on your team, bet on him. Post dedicated to all these great professionals.