Tourist indicators of the Costa del Sol 2015:
- Growth in travelers and overnight stays in hotel establishments, motivated by an increase in the international market.
- The number of travelers grew by around 4.52%, adding a percentage increase of 3.71% in overnight stays.
- Increase in the international market in hotel establishments, with 8.2% of total travelers with an 8% growth in overnight stays.
- Nationalities with the highest volume of travelers:
⇒ United Kingdom:
First international market with a growth of 11.5% in travelers compared to the previous year (+88,000 travelers
⇒ France:
Second international market, with an increase of 17.1% during the Christmas season (+40,000 travelers)
⇒ Netherlands:
There is an increase of 10.8%, which represents + 15,000 travelers.
- Among the nationalities with lower volume, but with notable increases:
- Poland: +56.2% (+16,962 tourists)
- Sweden: +21.6% (+11,766 tourists)
- Switzerland: +17.9% (+8,279 tourists)
- Denmark: +13.9% (5,437 tourists)
National traveler statistics also reflect a significant increase in international tourists compared to the volume rates and overnight stays of domestic clients.
Travelers nationwide 2015
- Total: 93,081,001
- Residents in Spain: 47,427,184
- Foreign residents: 45,653,817
- Total overnight stays 2015
Pernoctaciones totales 2015
- Residentes en España: 110.272.041
- Residentes extranjeros: 197.914.473
- Estancia media: 3,31
All these data, together with the reorientation of international tourist customer traffic by the tour operators of the Mediterranean basin, predict a positive evolution of business expectations for the current 2016 season, these factors being the determining factors in the channeling of the international tourist customer. Golf. at our destination:
1. Social situation of the countries of North Africa and the Middle East.
The wars centered on countries in North Africa and others in the Middle East have diversified the traffic of clients looking for destinations with fewer problems and greater security.
2. Arrival of new investors to the tourist complexes.
The situation of the real estate market in Spain causes a call effect for large investment funds interested in acquiring quality products for their subsequent repositioning.
3. Investment and repositioning of large resorts.
Investment in new property resorts is causing large tour operators to pay maximum attention to the quality levels of their products and, consequently, redirect the flow of insecure customers towards emerging destinations.
4. Safety climate compared to other destinations in the Mediterranean basin and continental Europe.
Spain continues to be the country that offers security levels far above other emerging destinations such as those focused on North Africa and the Middle East. Even in established destinations in Continental Europe. Clients choose countries with modern communication infrastructures, good value for money and, above all, a safe economic and social climate for their annual holidays.