Surely many of you, throughout your working life, will have met all kinds of professionals in the companies you have worked for. Managers with great experience, others more novices but with great proactivity, others with great capacity for work, who during the course of their activity as responsible for the area assigned to them, have been able to achieve success or failure.
This issue is very common in all types of organizations, and usually happens to all professionals, who, fortunately or unfortunately, have been lucky enough to have a great work team, or on the contrary a mediocre one. We see the example in sports, there is no professional, not even in the world of golf, who has not achieved success without the support of a great team. We can find examples in the majority of team coaches from different disciplines, and we see that if they do not have a group of professionals around them who fight with objectives and a common goal, the organization does not work.
Is it so difficult to motivate your work team? Is it necessary to have, not only a professional, but a professional profile that makes up a “team”?
I do not dare, nor do I want to dare, to give a master class on what type of organization is ideal. All of this depends on many factors such as nationality, the idiosyncrasy of the organization, work habits, and the social environment. In short, a series of peculiarities that can make a company determine whether to design vertical or horizontal command structures. We are clear about the verticals: The boss or person in charge executes, his team obeys and complies with the guidelines, and the horizontal brings together the consensus of the different opinions of his team to propose and determine decisions.
Now, there is a detail that is common to all organizations with “success” in their corporate structures, which sometimes many companies do not take into account, as they are lost in the parameters of the training and experience of their managers. We are talking about “leadership” ability. And not leadership in the strict sense of the word, much less in the psychological sense, as this would lead us to extend this article and present all its characteristics. We talk about those with the gift of forming a “team.” How many managers or managers have we encountered with great training, an excellent resume, and mediocre results in their work teams, since although they stand out for their notable skills, they lack attitude towards their teams, and above all they lack “empathy”.
We define empathy: also called interpersonal intelligence in Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, it is the cognitive ability to perceive in a common context what another individual may feel. It is also a feeling of emotional participation of a person in the reality that affects another.
A peculiarity that, without a doubt, is difficult to identify, much less in a professional summary captured on paper, but, nevertheless, this quality will differentiate the manager who makes the most of the skills of his human team to achieve his goals. business objectives, and to those who limit themselves to commanding.
The equation is clear, it is only necessary that those who assign these positions of responsibility be consistent. Manager with lack of empathy in his teams, same, failure
This issue is very common in all types of organizations, and usually happens to all professionals, who, fortunately or unfortunately, have been lucky enough to have a great work team, or on the contrary a mediocre one. We see the example in sports, there is no professional, not even in the world of golf, who has not achieved success without the support of a great team. We can find examples in the majority of team coaches from different disciplines, and we see that if they do not have a group of professionals around them who fight with objectives and a common goal, the organization does not work.
Is it so difficult to motivate your work team? Is it necessary to have, not only a professional, but a professional profile that makes up a “team”?
I do not dare, nor do I want to dare, to give a master class on what type of organization is ideal. All of this depends on many factors such as nationality, the idiosyncrasy of the organization, work habits, and the social environment. In short, a series of peculiarities that can make a company determine whether to design vertical or horizontal command structures. We are clear about the verticals: The boss or person in charge executes, his team obeys and complies with the guidelines, and the horizontal brings together the consensus of the different opinions of his team to propose and determine decisions.
Now, there is a detail that is common to all “successful” organizations in their corporate structures, which sometimes many companies do not take into account, as they get lost in the parameters of training and l