Every day more companies are realizing the importance of these sales techniques, storytelling, through articles, presentations, videos, e-books. And they are becoming essential tools in our complexes that provide value and engagement to our clients.
Yes, offline advertising companies had it difficult with online media, static advertisements, banners, gifs and flash videos, especially because of the conversion ratio or return they had on the investment made. Now it is even the latter that see their growth possibilities diminished.
It is no longer worth going to the market with aggressive marketing campaigns, selling our products with “hype and cymbal”, or launching web pages as mere lists of prices and products that we have in stock or that we offer. We have to take our customers into account, and examine the current state of the market, in which before making a purchase, they have consulted different portals inside and outside the network until reaching our product or service.
Using the content techniques in our blogs, websites, social networks, presentations and video channels we will achieve the following:
Value creation.
Contribution of knowledge to our user clients.
Attraction of potential clients.
We generate credibility about our products or services.
Engagement or commitment to read our customers about our brand.
We will increase the traffic of our web portals.
Turn strangers into prospects and prospects into customers.
For many of you who are reading, you will say, that is easy, with the amount of content that the web and search engines offer us, we have it easy. No friends, the “copy-paste” technique is highly penalized in Google engines, moving your publications to the lowest levels of results.
The content of our products and services must be original and transcendent. Don’t you have news that you can create from the day-to-day life of your workplaces? Surely there are, in fact, there are enough to launch a daily article, and not focusing on sales matters and what we offer, but also on mundane aspects of our company.
Of course, to do this you will need to hire someone who is focused on collecting daily information on all the events you have in your companies, the offers you launch, the latest news about your market niches, the comments of your clients. . It is hard and constant work, but without a doubt, in the medium term, with measurable results and a return.
The market is saturated with information, with continuous static advertising, the technique lies in differentiation with our competitors. Making our clients understand why they should choose us and not your competition. As I mentioned previously, we no longer have to launch aggressive sales campaigns, nor launch brochures, “which are also very effective”, but it is the client who comes looking for us, and also with a lot of information about our brand and our product.
There are many professionals in the market who can help us define content guidelines and strategies, but I am sure that within your companies you have personnel with potential communication skills who can develop this valuable and effective sales technique.
By the way, and on a personal note, after several questions from friends and colleagues in the sector, everything written in this blog is my own content. It is not my style to use the “Copy-Paste” technique
It is no longer worth going to the market with aggressive marketing campaigns, selling our products with “hype and cymbal”, or launching web pages as mere lists of prices and products that we have in stock or that we offer. We have to take our customers into account, and examine the current state of the market, in which before making a purchase, they have consulted different portals inside and outside the network until reaching our product or service.
Using the content techniques in our blogs, websites, social networks, presentations and video channels we will achieve the following:
Value creation.
Contribution of knowledge to our user clients.
Attraction of potential clients.
We generate credibility about our products or services.
Engagement or commitment to read our customers about our brand.
We will increase the traffic of our web portals.
Turn strangers into prospects and prospects into customers.
For many of you who are reading, you will say, that is easy, with the amount of content that the web and search engines offer us, we have it easy. No friends, the “copy-paste” technique is highly penalized in Google engines, moving your publications to the lowest levels of results.